Игры и программы для Android » Игры » San Andreas: Real Gangsters 3D

San Andreas: Real Gangsters 3D

San Andreas: Real Gangsters 3D
  • Обновлено
  • Требования Android 2.7
  • Жанр Игры
  • Просмотров 25
  • Google Play
  • Оценок: 1
  • Комментариев: 0



As Rockstar is still going great guns with GTA, the rest of the developing teams keep trying to rip off some of that success. VascoGames is on the list of those copying companies, but at least they take the copying process seriously. They have tested their open world in Мodern taxi and Сity bus simulator2015, then created a shooter called Duty calls elite sniper WW2. Now they combine their experiences in San Andreas: Real Gangsters 3D, giving us a GTA relative. 

Story Line 

Having had enough of his five prison years, our character decides to return to his hometown, San Andreas. On the one hand, this was all he could do, but on the other hand, the town has undertaken some changes and nobody really wants the guy back. You might have guessed already, that you will have to show those overruling bandits whose the mob boss in this rotten little place. Piles of guns and other handy tools to break into cars can be procured with the money you steal and rob off others. 

Bottom Line 

So if you simply can't wait for something new from Rockstar, then take San Andreas: Real Gangsters 3D as a great substitution for GTA meanwhile.

San Andreas: Real Gangsters 3D
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