Игры и программы для Android » Игры » Spy vs Spy

Spy vs Spy

Spy vs Spy
  • Обновлено
  • Требования Android 2.7
  • Жанр Игры
  • Просмотров 192
  • Google Play
  • Оценок: 0
  • Комментариев: 0


Arcade gameplay divides the screen into two parts, your goal, set traps, riddles to guess at and depart for espionage in a Hollywood movie. But this is not so simple, you have a serious competitor. It is the same spy like you, and can also put devious traps, and get ahead of you. The plane is only one, so you should hurry. Sometimes you will come across their foreheads in a small room, it might be better to send the opponent to knock and run on about their business. And all would be well if the game was even translated into Russian, but no, we have to sit and translate English tasks, and even the fact that the screen is divided into two parts, sometimes annoying, especially when you start looking at the wrong screen. Such is the simple arcade gameplay, and sometimes it is very hardcore, until you learn to understand what to do, the level will have to start all over again not once. But best of all, is that you can play with friends over Wi-Fi, just like a child, sabotage, intrigue and fun pastime guaranteed.
Visually, the game has retained its charm and made just in the same style, with some improvements. Therefore the picture delivers uniquely. Certainly not without its flaws, but who has not. Moreover, such an old school, which could and should be playing with your friends over the wireless network costs only 35 rubles at the time of description.
Definitely this is a game that deserves attention, wondering how to play alone or in the company of friends. Most liked the fact that the developers have not only preserved the charm of the old games, but also added a lot of detail, from which the game has found a new life. And it costs a penny, so for sure get recognition among the many fans of these arcades.

Spy vs Spy
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